
Express Yourself on Political Issues

Battle of the 24 Hours News Networks


Since the inception of 24 hours news networks, we have become accustomed to instant news, opinions, and many times, worthless propaganda. There are clear differences between the three large networks: CNN, FOX, and MSNBC. I believe that all three of them have an agenda and have a lock on a particular market. As I see it, the biggest problem is that some of the biggest “stars” on each network are more concerned about spreading their propaganda, instead of reporting the news.  So let me give you my opinion on these networks.
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Politics as Usual: Congressman Weiner


Wow – Was there an exciting day in the House of Representatives or what? Congressman Weiner (D-NY) ripped apart Republicans who did not vote for a bill to provide health care for the 9/11 first responders. “It’s Republicans wrapping their arms around Republicans rather than doing the right thing on behalf of the heroes,” Weiner said. “It is a shame. A shame! If you believe this is a bad idea to provide health care–then vote no! But don’t give me the cowardly view that ‘Oh if it was a different procedure’…”, according to CNN’s website. But, is this as one sided issue as it appears?
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Oil, Oil, Go Away! Were BP’s Prayers Answered?

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So, what happened to the oil? Faster than it went off the well, the oil disappeared of the Gulf of Mexico. Within a week, things in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida look a lot better. The World’s Most Beautiful Beaches of Panama City Beach are full of tourists and things turned out much better than it was predicted. CNN, FOX, MSNBC, local news, etc., they are all happy and celebrating our cleaner waters. So what happened?
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Obama – $4.35 Billion for Education! What’s up with that?

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How is it possible that the richest and more powerful country in the world cannot find a way to obtain better results in our schools? I believe that politics and the misappropriation of funds have much to do with it. President after president always makes education a priority during their campaign, however, once in office, other “more popular” issues become a priority for those in office. I believe that we, as voters, also carry the blame as we fail, year after year, to hold our elective officials responsible for false promises.
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Immigration Issue in Arizona


Perhaps the hottest issue in the news now is that of the new proposed immigration law in Arizona. As of right now, it looks like the debate will continue as the appeal process is likely to reach the Supreme Court. As I try to keep up with this issue, I often wonder whether we Americans understand the possible ramifications if this law is to pass, or whether we understand whether the law is too vague, and if it could open the door wide open for people who may have alternate motives when enforcing the law.
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