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Archive for the ‘ Washington News ’ Category

Lack of Leadership in the Republican Party

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Lack of leadership for the Republican Party will lead to the ultimate destruction of the party. On one side you have Trump continuing with his now legendary attacks on his adversaries, Cruz and Kasich, while each one of them continues to attack him back. Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refuses to support Trump, while the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, is not willing to take a political path for the party. Former candidate Rubio is now supporting Cruz, same as Senator Lindsey Graham, and Kasich and Cruz both believe the other one should drop put. All they can agree on is that they all rather see Trump disappear.
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The Trump Strategy

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Regardless of how you feel about Donald Trump, you have to admit that the man is a marketing machine. Who else could get away with insulting others, providing little details about policies, and not having a good idea of what is happening within  the political arena? Donald Trump has, and uPolitico believes that he will continue to do so. We believe that Chuck Todd did a good job asking some good questions on Meet the Press on August 16, 2015 from Donald Trump, but such type of questions need to continue from the press, so we can become better informed voters.

Just a week ago, we at uPolitico believed that Donald Trump did not have a chance to succeed. Although we are not at the point that we believe that he will be the Republican nominee, we do believe that he will continue to poll well, and that many people are taking a second look at Trump, as a possible candidate.
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Politics as Usual: Congressman Weiner


Wow – Was there an exciting day in the House of Representatives or what? Congressman Weiner (D-NY) ripped apart Republicans who did not vote for a bill to provide health care for the 9/11 first responders. “It’s Republicans wrapping their arms around Republicans rather than doing the right thing on behalf of the heroes,” Weiner said. “It is a shame. A shame! If you believe this is a bad idea to provide health care–then vote no! But don’t give me the cowardly view that ‘Oh if it was a different procedure’…”, according to CNN’s website. But, is this as one sided issue as it appears?
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Oil, Oil, Go Away! Were BP’s Prayers Answered?

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So, what happened to the oil? Faster than it went off the well, the oil disappeared of the Gulf of Mexico. Within a week, things in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida look a lot better. The World’s Most Beautiful Beaches of Panama City Beach are full of tourists and things turned out much better than it was predicted. CNN, FOX, MSNBC, local news, etc., they are all happy and celebrating our cleaner waters. So what happened?
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