
Express Yourself on Political Issues

Oh no! We Have to Vote Again in a Few Weeks!

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It is hard for me to come to terms that we will forced to elect our Washington officials in just a few weeks. Whom should we trust? The Democrats? The Republicans? How about those who claim to be Independents? Finally, what about the “Tea Party”? We, as voters, really need to take our time deciding who would represent us the best in Washington. I will give you a few things I will be considering.

We need to remember that George W. Bush had a majority in the Senate and the House for a large period of his presidency. The question is what did they accomplish? Republicans, who are blaming our high unemployment and economic crisis on Obama, are in denial. They are drinking the “Republican Kool-Aid”, or too much Tea made by the Tea Party instead of looking after their constituency. We cannot forget that this entire mess did start under the Bush administration. Do we want these people managing our government?

Then there are the Democrats. We cannot ignore that they have spend so much of our money on fruitless efforts to restart our economy. Now, they want more money to help the small companies. All in an effort to generate new jobs and try to kick-start the economy before the November election. The way things are right now, I doubt that even Democrats would be too willing to vote for such stimulus. I think it is funny to see Democrats trying to stay away from Obama, even when he comes to their towns. Amazing! Just a couple of years ago, they were cheering for the man and begging for his support. Amazing what polls do to a person!

What about independents? Well, I live in Florida, where our Governor, Charlie Christ went from an Obama supporter Republican, to a so-called Conservative, to an Independent. He did it all based on polls and what was better for him. He could care less what is best for the State of Florida. At least, that is my opinion. I believe Christ has no character, no conviction, and I believe that he would say or do anything to win an election. People like him, and with a position of power, scare the heck out of me!

Well, thank God there is Tea Party! Well, let us look at that circus. On one hand, we have Glenn Beck, who decided that he resented that some people called Obama the “Messiah”, so he decided that he is the real “Messiah”. I believe that Beck’s message is aiming too much to the Religious base and he will end up recruiting even more extremists than what he has right now. That guy just scares me too much with his radical anti-Obama agenda. Then there is Sarah Palin. The thought of her running and perhaps winning the Republican nomination is way too frightening. I truly hope that the Republican Party can do better than Palin as a candidate. Nominating her would be the end of any credibility the Republican Party has left!

I think we really need to pay attention to our candidates. We need to see who is funding them, we need to study their background, and how they have voted in the past. There is nothing wrong with changing positions, but those changes need to evolve at a normal pace, instead of switching policies as dictated by polls. As an example, look at what McCain did with his immigration policy. Scary, if you think that man was almost elected to the White House. I also think it is important to look for politicians who accuse a voter of voting 92% of the time with Pelosi, when the accuser voted 91% of the time with the Republican Majority Speaker of the House. That is a good example of two individuals who will always vote with their political party, instead of bringing fresh independent ideas to Washington.

I will continue to look for that independently minded individual, regardless of political affiliation, and with a backbone. I know there are people out there who do have integrity and truly care for the American people.

One Response to “Oh no! We Have to Vote Again in a Few Weeks!”

  1. lynn redaelli says:

    I agree. There are some repubs that scare the heck out of me. Example Michelle Bauchman. Someone needs to save her from herself. She opens mouth inserts foot all the time. I am not a real political person, but I know enough to know who I will not vote for. The repubs need a strong person to beat Obama and right now we have no one. Hopefully as time goes by, someone will have the guts to say what needs to be said and gain some ground on Obama.

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